The Borneo Ensemble, founded in 2021, emerged from the collaborative vision of Dr. Lee Chie Tsang Isaiah (composer), and his colleagues Dr. Tham Horng Kent (pianist), Lee See Ling @ Grace
(violinist), and
Neo Nai Wen (kalimba player). Together, they share a unified goal to enhance and shape the Malaysian contemporary music scene, fostering a vibrant space for cross-disciplinary interactions. This
ensemble serves as a melting pot for various artistic talents, welcoming contributions from musicians, artists, poets, and writers.
Their collective efforts in the ensemble are geared towards fostering global collaborations. This dedication not only adds depth and variety to their musical projects but also bridges cultural
differences across cultural boundaries. The Borneo Ensemble is more than just a musical group; it's a hub for uniting diverse cultures, aspiring to make a meaningful impact on the contemporary
music landscape in Malaysia and beyond.