Special Event, Call for Scores: Biula and Piano

Call for Scores: Biula and Piano

Deadline for submissions: 15 April 2025

PhD Thesis Project – Music performance

Institution: Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Duration: 1-3 minutes


Instrumentation: Biula (with/without vocal) and Piano

Important Dates:

• Submission deadline: 15 April 2025

• Notification of selected composers: 15 May 2025


About the project:

This Call for Scores is part of my PhD thesis, which focuses on the dynamic interaction between the biula—a traditional musical instrument from Sabah, Malaysia—and modern composition techniques. The project explores how the biula can engage with contemporary musical practices, aiming to foster a meaningful dialogue between tradition and modernity. It seeks to broaden the biula’s repertoire, promote cross cultural musical collaboration, and preserve the relevance of traditional music within contemporary artistic contexts.


Composers are invited to draw inspiration from diverse musical traditions, from folk and classical to contemporary styles, encompassing any genre or artistic approach. Melodic, rhythmic, or harmonic elements reflecting cultural influences are encouraged, as well as creative directions that explore the instrument’s potential. All forms of notation—traditional, graphic, text-based—and improvisational elements are welcome, offering composers the freedom to experiment. Themes such as cultural transformation, the blending of tradition and modernity, or musical dialogues are also encouraged to enhance the conceptual depth of the compositions.

The selected works will serve as case studies for my thesis, examining how traditional instruments like the biula can be integrated into contemporary music practices. The analysis will focus on compositional techniques, stylistic approaches, and the interplay between the biula and other musical elements. These works will contribute to academic discussions on musical hybridity, cultural exchange, and the role of traditional instruments in contemporary music, with insights documented in the thesis.

A professionally recorded album and published scores of the selected compositions will showcase the biula’s capabilities and preserve its heritage while introducing its sound to an international audience. Composers will receive a high-quality recording and published score of their work and future performance opportunities.

Submission Guideline:
1. Eligibility:

  • Open to all composers.
  • Submissions must be original works not previously published or performed.
  • Compositions should be between one (1) to three (3) minutes in length.

2. Instrumentation:

  • The work must feature the biula with piano accompaniment. Prepared piano is encouraged but not mandatory.

The piece may include a female solo vocal part, sung by the violinist. Composers are encouraged to explore and interpret the concept of call-and-response storytelling, inspired by traditional forms like the isun-isun, but they have the freedom to articulate and develop this element creatively without being bound to traditional practices. The vocal line can be wordless or feature text in any language, provided it adheres to copyright regulations. If the text is not in Chinese or English, detailed pronunciation guides and clear performance instructions must be included.


3. Score submission requirements:

  • Submit a full score in PDF format, legible professionally prepared.
  • Include individual parts for both instruments, and vocal if applicable.
  • If using prepared piano, indicate specific preparations clearly in the score.
  • A MIDI realization or recording of the composition is encouraged but not mandatory.
  • Provide a brief description of the work in English (maximum 300 words), explaining the compositional process, or inspiration in PDF format.
  • A composer biography in English (maximum 250 words), including previous works and relevant academic experience in PDF format.

4.Submission process: 

  • All submissions should be sent electronically to leeseeling@ums.edu.my by 15 April 2025.
  • Please label your files as follows:
    [Composer’s Last Name]_Biula_Piano_Score.pdf
    [Composer’s Last Name]_Biula_Piano_MIDI.mp3 (if applicable).
  • Include in the email subject line: PhD Thesis Call for Scores Submission – Biula and Piano.

5. Selection process:

  • Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of academic advisors, music professors, and musicians.
  • Composers will be selected based on creativity, technical skill, and thematic relevance to the PhD thesis project.
  • Notification of results will be sent by 15 May 2025.
  • Selected composers will be informed of the opportunity to collaborate for possible live performance or recording.
  • A total of fifteen (15) compositions will be selected for recording.

6. Recording:

Selected compositions will be professionally recorded, and composers will receive a digital copy. Composers may remotely attend rehearsals to offer guidance on their work.


7. Rights and Permissions:

  • Composers retain full copyright of their works.
  • By submitting a score, composers grant permission for the work to perform, record, and distribute the work as part of the PhD thesis project.
  • All performances and recordings will appropriately credit the composer.

Introduction to Biula and Isun-Isun:

The biula, also known as the biola, is a traditional three-stringed bowed lute resembling a violin. It holds a crucial role in accompanying isun-isun performances from Kota Belud, a district in Sabah, Malaysia, representing the rich cultural heritage of the local Bajau and Iranun communities. Musicians use this instrument to accompany traditional songs, storytelling, and cultural ceremonies, making it an integral part of community life.

The isun-isun is a form of traditional performance art that combines singing with poem. Characterised by its interactive nature, it typically involves a male and female performer exchanging verses in a call-and-response format. The lyrical themes often revolve around love, marriage customs, and local folklore, reflecting the community’s values and social dynamics. Accompanied by the biula, Isun-isun performances are commonly featured during festive occasions such as weddings, childbirth celebrations, and cultural festivals.


Click on the video below to learn more about Biula.

For the full list of guidelines, please download the pdf below:

Guideline of Call for Scores - Biula and
Adobe Acrobat Document 204.3 KB

Contact Information:

For any inquiries or questions, please contact:

  • PhD Student: Lee See Ling @ Grace
  • Email: leeseeling@ums.edu.my

I look forward to receiving your submissions and engaging with your creative visions for the biula and piano as part of my PhD thesis project.